Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Time has passed...eh!

So, for all of you loyal blog readers of mine. I must apologize. It sure has been a long time since my last entry. You know, it's quite a disappointing thing actually. You see, I was going to enter a blog upon my return (May 16,2006), however, I was going to include pics--well that didn't work on my comp b/c of slow internet. After that I figured I would wait until a pinacle moment in my life before I started blogging again, and in a moment I will share that moment. But first:

My trip was awesome. I encountered great people, great sites and great experiences. 2 enormously huge things that happened for me was 1: having communion at Westminster Abbey with a bunch of tourists, and 2: hanging out with a bunch of youth at a youth drop-in in Ayre, Scotland. Fantabulous!

Since my return I have been working. I worked for 2 months at the place I worked at last year, Friesens Corp. who make books. But now the pinnacl moment: I am now privileged to be working at Winkler Bible Camp as a cabin counsellor. I'm loving every minute of it.

Sorry to make my long lost tale so brief. But I got to go. My off time is over and I have to get back to my cabin for canteen.

I hope that satisfies the curiousity of all y'all readers. CHOW!!


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