Saturday, September 09, 2006

Update Withdrawal

From time to time I check my blog here to see if I have gotten any comments. I realize that my blog may not be the most spectacular existence in the world and that any comments I do get are evidence that at least some people actually care what's on my mind enough to read them. However, I also realize that I haven't been contributing much of my thoughts as of late and the whole realization of any lack of commentary on the part of my readers could in fact be that I am not giving them anything to read all that much. So, alas, here I am writing--experiencing a little bit of update withdrawal.
To resolve my case I am once again returning to the blog world to share what is going on in my world. I'M BACK AT PROV! and very excited for my third year. I am taking a lot of practical courses that will be very beneficial for me in ministry. I'm hoping that all will go well and that God will really stregthen me further in my walk with Him and in my knowledge of faith.
I believe it will be a great thing!!!


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