Sunday, December 03, 2006

Waiting for Freedom!!!

So, it's December 3, 22 days until Christmas day and two weeks until my freedom is granted and I can escape school for three weeks for the grandest holiday ever!! My family is planning a trip to Whitecourt, Alberta, to visit my sister, Amanda, and her husband, Russell. It's about time that we come visit them and see how their living situation is without just hearing about it. I'm kind of stoked for the holiday, not just for the trip, but for actually being able to spend time with my family for longer than just a weekend [and a rare one at that].

I express my desire to escape from school because right now school seems to be a burden, which for me is rather unorthodox. Since coming to Providence College in the Fall of 2004, I have fallen in love with learning and classes and the like. I have been stretched so much since attending Prov that for me to say that I am sick of school is like a fish saying, "I want to breathe air." However, things have changed and I am in need of a break from school. Perhaps it's because the classes I'm taking aren't as intriguing as the ones I've taken before. The most likely reason is probably because during the whole semester I've been distracted by the friends that live in close proximity from me. Homework has tended to take a back seat to fun with my really good friends he in dorm. Alas, freedom is in the back of my mind because homework definitely isn't, which is the reason why I have been handing in a handful of my assignments in late. Maybe by second semester I will be regenerated and my desire to do work will be back. I guess one can only hope.

I keep thinking about where I will be next year, which is my senior year in my degree program at Prov. Mine is a four year program, which differs from pretty much everybody else's, who complete their programs in three years. So that means that 99% of my freshman class is gone next year, and I will remain to bask in my depression, knowing that I will be alone, with hardly anyone left from my original social circle around, except for the others in four year programs. So, I have been thinking about where I will be living next year. Should I live in dormitory again [of course I will by vying for my own room]? Or should I live off campus where one of my friends is considering also? Here's an opportunity for you to respond to my blog: what do you think?


At 11:25 AM, December 12, 2006, Blogger lee said...

hey matt
for myself, it was time to get out of dorm after two years. if you would be living relatively close to school, i would say commute. some thoughts.

At 8:25 AM, December 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey matt.I agree with Lee on this one. Change is a good thing a lot of the time and I think this one could be a cool switch for you.

At 8:37 PM, February 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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