Thursday, March 16, 2006

Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of!!

I find it interesting that a moment can catch a person in a certain mood and he or she does not even attempt to act contrarily to the affect of the present state of mind. Take for example being angry, really steamed. How many of us, when caught in a moment of extreme anger can all of a sudden turn 180 degrees and drive down the streets of happy-ville? If this is a possibility it nonetheless is a rare one.
Just recently I was caught up in a two week (or more) moment in which I was really lazy. I did not want to do assignments, read or do anything productive. All I wanted to do was hang out with friends. Well, sometimes time is gracious and it happened that my reading week occured during that final binge of slothinees. (It is a common thing this time of year, when the winter semester is wrapping up and students are planning for the summer, for students to be unmotivated to do any academic work. School's are skillful at strategy--enter Spring Break [a.k.a. reading week].) Anyways, my time during the break was beneficial because I now have the motivation to do my work again, but I'm sure that's temporary.
Another thought, however, rolls around in my mind concerning momentary lapses of disposition. I think that in the Christian life, such struggles linger. Again I make an example of myself. During this time of Lent I have 'committed' to sacrificing time with friends so that I can spend more time in meditation on God's Word, prayer and intercession. Now, I'm a very social guy and my life disposition has always been that of the socialable kind. I find that even though I wish to spend more time in my devotional life, I find it nearly impossible to isolate myself so that I may spend time alone with God. I have been caught up in my frame of mind to mingle with those around me and I haven't been able to configure my mindset for the committment I made at the end of February.
I think it a challenge for anyone to learn how to set their minds on other things when a life moment can be so long in duration.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Tackling the Treachery

I've come to realize that "living Immanuel," as I've coined it, is not in reality an easy thing to do. I mean, any real mature Christian can tell you the same thing (I emphasize real in order to express clear authetic faith in a person calling themself a "Christian"). However, I have found it throughout my life as a Christian the truth in that testimony. I don't think it cliche to be reminded time after time that we as people are not living the high life as Christians. NOT HAPPENING! Christ said it himself that we will have opposition against us as people of faith in him--in the form of human opposition or spiritual warfare. One main opposition I find that many Christians in our Western society struggle with (if not even fail to notice) is the comfortable Chrisitianity. To say that we have it all is no exaggeration. We live the high life economically and socially--having rights as citizens. Too easily I believe a lot of Christians get caught up in material things, which leads to being a 'comfortable Christian.' You know, I think if places like Canada would oppress Christians (doesn't seem too far-fetched these days) we would see many people in the pews on Sunday recant their 'faith' without a second thought. I know I sound like a cynic. Maybe I am in some ways. However, my heart hurts for the not so discrete truths that have come about in the church throughout the generations. I know, however, that some of these areas are getting better, people are starting to realize the mistakes being made and have made ammends. I rejoice because of that!! However, I also speak for myself, and just like the broader Church Body, I fail to emulate Christ in humble, modest living.
Anyway, back to my main thought--opposition. As a student I face tremendous stress to get my assignments done on time and with adequate exception in my perspective. SO, right now I'm finishing my reading week and boy, did I need a break because the opposition I have been feeling lately is laziness, and of course that reflects in my spiritual life as well. Having a lazy spiritual life is a great offense to the Christian. But, unlike my humanness I strive to get back in line with God and attempt to nourish my life in Him.
I wrote a prayer earlier today. Here it is:


Instead of focusing on my failures and limitations, God, help me to realize the peace and freedom I have in you, my everlasting REDEEMER! I seek not my selfishness God, but your holy will, that has been revealed to me through your Word and Spirit, as you live in me.
I want to thank you for giving me life. Not, just life on earth, as it is a challenge nonetheless to live this earthly life, but Holy Father, I thank you for the eternal life I have in you all because of your sacrifice made on the forsaken cross on that ancient day. My heart sings:

Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, for thee!
Take my will and make it thine, it shall be forever thine!

Make me afresh and set my ways for the road ahead—your work in me. Be the lamp upon my feet!
Jesus, be in my mind. I long to imitate you, but cannot shake off my humanness. Mould me to be like you!
Holy Spirit, I recognize your presence in me. You keep me accountable for my transgressions and lead me to repentance. I praise your holiness and never-ending faithfulness. I long for that faithfulness in me.
Set my feet upon the rock as I tread through shaky ground. Cultivate my heart, plough my ambitions, and sow the seed that grows to righteousness. Give me the understanding to separate from the evil within me. Free me from the tyrant within.
I look ahead in anticipation for the work you will continue in me!

With love,

Your chosen!

The prayer reflects many of the things I trust God to be and to provide. The most wonderful one ofcourse is the Eternal Life given us by Christ's given, sacrificed life on the cross. How wonderful is this: our own God, Creator, and ultimate Judge died in human form for all of those He chose to be His in divine love. Do any other religious followers (outside of Christianity) have that as their promise of fulfillment?!
As an opposed community of faith, I think it an honour to even think about this promise. Any opposition will NOT intimidate me away from realizing the life given to me freely by my God.