Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Not ANOTHER Writer's Block?

So, like always I am reflecting on my tendancy to forget to blog. "I know I have some flavourful foibles to share, I just know it!"
Well, where I find myself now is in the middle of the first semester of my third year already.
I DO have a beef about school rite now. They cancelled YE 2007. That is a bunch of bull b/c YE brings in so many Christian youth and youth who are seeking God. It's always been a highlight. Apparently the leadership is being changed up a bit and now they are taking a break to decipher what needs to be done with that and with other foci of the event. I really hope that they seek God on this fully and offer opportunities for students to suggest ideas. Sorry for any of you who imensely enjoy Youth Encounter and will be deathly disappointed by the cancelation. I certainly am. Oh well, I imagine the school is doing what they feel is necessary.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A school shooting like no other

Yesterday, a 32 year old man barricaded a small amish school building in Pennsylvania to take "revenge for an old grudge" and opened fire on innocent school girls that ranged from 6 to 13 years of age, killing two girls immediately [plus an adult teacher's aid], before turning the gun on himself. while 2 died later in hospital, with five injured in total. Apparently this man was angry at God and life, he was emotionally and spiritually detached because of the death of his daughter three years ago. He had also apparantly molested young girls a few decades previous without his family knowing. According to his wife he was an outstanding husband who loved and cared for their family. This sparks wonder in my head as to why a loving husband would tear apart an isolated, innocent community. I think of Job in the Old Testament who lost his livelihood and still didn't deny God or rebuke Him; although he believed his fate was due to some sin in his life. I think this man, named Charles Carl Roberts, is an extreme example of people blaming God for what has befallen them. In the case of Roberts it seems that he gave up on God all together, seemingly without telling anyone. He allowed himself to go insane with rage.
On the opposite end of the story are the families of the little girls that were killed, who have completely forgiven Roberts and have begun the healing process. As a support to these families even Roberts' wife is asking prayer for her family and for the families of those lost.
I think that in all the stories that we hear about school shootings in North America this is the one that can offer the best spiritual lesson. In the complete article (http://msnbc.msn.com/id/15113706/) the mother of a victim is quoted to say, "There’s two things that happen to your faith. Either you let it go and get bitter, or you grow stronger — and we’ll grow stronger." I think that that's a truth that no one can deny and this horrible incident proves it. I just hope that it doesn't take another incident like this to make people realize the truth.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

My Sentiment

Well, I haven't been all that good at regular blog entries I admit, but the my personal purpose of this blog is clearly stated on this page: to share thoughts from the heart and mind. What's annoying is that I cannot offer great insights all the time or don't feel like entering posts all the time either. What's also unnerving is the fact that sometimes when I do have a thought I would like to share I often do not think to enter it here to share.
Gosh--I guess I can only say this: that I really need to be less hard on myself for failing to enter blogs regularly, I know that I'm not the only person like that.

There is one thing I would like to share, and that is my current emotions in coincidence with a class I am taking this semester. New Religious Movements is a class that studies the new relious waves that root from Protestant Christianity, some that ironically devalue Christ to only creature of prophetic character and do not consider him Savior and Lord. My question is 'HOW?' How can they do that? My mind is stirring because I cannot imagine how people could allow themselves to be misled in such a way, especially ones who have been a part of the Christian church and have a fair amount of experience in the Faith. For instance, the Jehovah's Witnesses, who actually use the Christian Bible as a key resource but often reinterrupt small things--like changing the occurance of the word 'the' in some passages to 'a' [interestingly this is often enough to throw people way off of the path of righteousness]. It hurts me to know how NRMs like these separate the figures of the godhead like this and how it actually winds up leading people on to believe in many ungodly things. That, I think is a shame.

I think we as Christians need to be praying for these people. I think we as Christians need to be learning about these people and what they actually believe. And, in the particular case of JWs but others too, we as Christians need to welcome them into our homes and speak to them about true freedom in Christ Jesus.